This is the Church's invitation to seekers who want to discover a satisfying answer to their spiritual hungers. Her invitation is rich to seekers, old and new. To those who might label themselves as alienated or indifferent, the Church offers Jesus Christ and his love- the fulfillment of hope. The Church offers a way of belonging that teaches truths that free one from sin and its power. The Church initiates members into an intimate relationship with God- indeed, into a participation in the divine life- where one will find genuine joy and fulfillment. This is all possible because of Jesus Christ and his love.
~United States Catholic Catechism for Adults
The OCIA is for all adults who, in hearing the mystery of Christ proclaimed, consciously and freely seek the living God, and enter the way of faith and conversion as the Holy Spirit calls to their hearts. The OCIA respects the developmental manner that we as adults continue to grow throughout life.
Therefore the OCIA process is also open to those interested in learning more about the Catholic Church, even though they may not be ready to make a commitment at this time, as well as to those Catholics who are interested in exploring their Catholic faith.
Faith in Jesus Christ is a precious gift of God's divine love and mercy. It is God who initiates this wonderful movement in a person's life, and continues to nurture this faith in Jesus Christ through the gifts of the Holy Spirit. The OCIA facilitates one's journey in faith and helps a person to grow into the reality of eternal life.
We gather together to explore the treasures of the Catholic faith. We learn about the person of Jesus and how to develop an intimate friendship with our Savior through prayer, scripture study, exploration of Catholic beliefs and practices, Eucharistic worship, and fellowship.
The OCIA includes various liturgical rites that are celebrated on the way to full membership in the Catholic Church. The journey is marked by these rites which celebrate what has been reflected upon and received. Thus they are liturgical landmarks, public celebrations of a deepening acceptance of the Lord's call and steps in a process of coming to a greater knowledge of Christ and His Church.
The journey is always a beginning! If you have felt the first stirrings of interest in discovering what it means to know who Jesus is and what it means to be a Catholic Christian, please come and join us for the journey. Formal classes begin each fall at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart at a time that works best for those attending. But why wait? Start the conversation now by reaching out to Anna Therneau 507-452-4770 ext. 21 or fill out the form below and submit. Individual sessions can be set up as needed.